Knowledge Keepers & Experts of Treaty Road

Episode 1 Experts

  • Dr. Allyson Stevenson

    PhD History, Gabriel Dumont Institute Chair in Métis Studies

  • Frank Beaulieu

    Cultural Advisor, Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation

  • Shay Nordal

    Museum Manager, Marine Museum of Manitoba

  • Ruth Christie

    Elder / Knowledge Keeper, Peguis First Nation

  • Aimée Craft

    Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa

  • Loretta Ross

    Treaty Commissioner, Manitoba, Hollow Water First Nation

  • Brad Regehr

    Partner, Maurice Law, Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation

  • David Thomas

    Urban Planner, Treaty One, Peguis First Nation

  • Chief Gordon Bluesky

    Treaty One Spokesperson, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation

  • Wayne Scott

    Elder / Knowledge Keeper, Swan Lake First Nation

Episode 2 Experts

  • Chief Norman Bone

    Keeseekoowenin Ojibway Nation

  • James Plewak

    Senior Official, Riding Mountain Forum, Keeseekoowenin Ojibway Nation

  • Louie Malcolm

    Elder, Ebb and Flow First Nation

  • Chief Wayne Desjarlais

    Ebb and Flow First Nation

Episode 3 Experts

  • Evelyn Finlayson

    Treaty 3 Liaison, Wabigoon Ojibway Nation

  • Hailey Krolyk

    Policy Analyst, Grand Council Treaty 3, Kenora, ON

  • Laura Horton

    Elder/Knowledge Keeper, Rainy River First Nations

  • Priscilla Simard

    Treaty 3 Women's Council, Couchiching First Nation

  • Judy Da Silva

    Earth Protector / Advocate, Grassy Narrows First Nation

  • Marvin Lee McDonald

    Resource Information Officer, Wabasaseemoong Independent Nations

  • Vanessa Powassin

    Descendant of Chief Powassin, Animakee Wa Zhing 37

  • Harvey Powassin

    Descendant of Chief Powassin, Animakee Wa Zhing 37

  • Ferdinand Sandy

    Knowledge Keeper, Treaty 3

Episode 4 Experts

  • Bee Bird

    Student / Journalist, Montreal Lake Cree Nation

  • Dr. Jacqueline Ottmann

    President, First Nations University of Canada, Fishing Lake First Nation

  • Dr. Blair Stonechild

    Dept. of Indigenous Studies, First Nations University of Canada, Muscowpetung First Nation

  • Cheyanne Desnomie

    Dept. of Anthropology, University of Regina, Peepeekisis Cree Nation

  • Chief Todd Peigan

    Pasqua First Nation

  • Wayne Goodwill

    Elder, Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation

  • Chief Rodger Redman

    Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation

  • Keith Ryder

    Elder / Spiritual Advisor, Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation

  • Cory Generoux

    Communications Specialist, File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council, Sturgeon Lake First Nation

  • Vanessa Wolfe

    Councilor, Muskowekwan First Nation

  • Sarah Longman

    President, RIIS Commemorative Association, George Gordon First Nation

Episode 5 Experts

  • Keith Goulet

    Former Minister of Northern Affairs, Saskatchewan, Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation

  • Taylor Wilson

    Senior Research Assistant, University of Winnipeg, Fisher River Cree Nation

  • Ian Maxwell

    Co-Manager, Pimâtisiwin Nipî Kistikânihk (Life Water Gardens)

  • Virginia Muswagon

    Co-Manager, Pimâtisiwin Nipî Kistikânihk (Life Water Gardens), Norway House Cree Nation

  • Paige Muswagon

    Staff, Pimâtisiwin Nipî Kistikânihk (Life Water Gardens), Norway House Cree Nation

  • Kyle Mohr

    Culinary Arts Instructor / Chef, Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre

  • Joshua Grisdale

    Culinary Arts Instructor / Sous Chef, Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre

  • Doug Braden

    Land Based Educator, Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre

  • Lester Balfour

    Land Based Educator

Episode 6 Experts

  • Robin McLeod

    Private Consultant, Prince Albert Grand Council, Lac La Ronge Indian Band

  • Brian Hardlotte

    Grand Chief, Prince Albert Grand Council, Lac La Ronge Indian Band

  • Winona Wheeler

    Historian / Professor of Indigenous Studies, Fisher River Cree Nation

  • Edward Osecap

    Elder, Moosomin, SK

  • Paul Kahpeaysewat Sr

    Elder, Moosomin, SK

  • Chief Henry Lewis

    Onion Lake Cree Nation

  • Karla Bird

    Policy Analyst, Onion Lake Cree Nation

  • ​​Peter Chief

    Elder/Descendent of Treaty Signatory, Onion Lake Cree Nation