Indigenous Activism & Allyship Resources

Indigenous resistance is a fundamental part of the story of Canada. Indigenous peoples have had to be warriors, to fight for themselves, their cultures and their ways of life to survive. This fight continues in many ways and can also include those who aspire to be allies. Below are stories of inspiration, activism and resistance, as well as resources to help advance true reconciliation and solidarity.

I feel really invigorated to be that defender, because that is an act of resistance. And to be unapologetically Indigenous.
— Erin Goodpipe, Educator/Host of Treaty Road

Other Resources

Beyond 94, interactive website from the CBC that monitors progress on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action.

Future Pathways: Fireside Chats, exploring the career pathways of inspiring Indigenous leaders in activism

Home on Native Land, campaign, online course & resources from RAVEN

Idle No More movement

Indigenous Ally Toolkit, from the Segal Centre for the Performing Arts

Indigenous Canada, free online course from the University of Alberta

It’s Our Time: The AFN (Assembly of First Nations) Education Toolkit

Ka Ni Kanichihk: Those Who Lead

Reconciliation Dialogue Toolkits, from Reconciliation Canada

Warrior Life podcast, Pam Palmater, Mi’kmaw lawyer, author & activist hosts a podcast as she shares the stories of Indigenous warriors and activists on the front lines of protecting Indigenous lands, peoples, and cultures

Additional related resources can be found on our Decolonizing Canada page.

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