Resources & Research on Treaty

Many resources were used during the research for TREATY ROAD Season 1. Below are some of them.


Bounty and Benevolence: A Documentary History of Saskatchewan Treaties (Vol. 23), by Arthur J. Ray, Jim Miller and Frank Tough

Breathing Life into the Stone Fort Treaty: An Anishnabe Understanding of Treaty One, by Aimée Craft,

Clearing the Plains: Disease, politics of starvation and the loss of Aboriginal life (pp. 432-462), By James Daschuk

Compact, Contract, Covenant: Aboriginal Treaty-Making in Canada, by J. R. Miller

Cree Narrative Memory: From Treaties to Contemporary Times, by Neal McLeod

No Surrender: The Land Remains Indigenous, by Sheldon Krasowski

On being here to stay: Treaties and Aboriginal rights in Canada, by Michael Asch

Solemn Words and Foundational Documents: An Annotated Discussion of Indigenous-Crown Treaties in Canada, 1752-1923, by By Jean-Pierre Morin

The Right Relationship: Reimagining the Implementation of Historical Treaties, edited by John Borrows and Michael Coyle

Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan: Our Dream Is That Our Peoples Will One Day Be Clearly Recognized as Nations, by By Harold Cardinal and Walter Hildebrandt

Treaty Rights in the Constitution of Canada, by James Youngblood Henderson

Two Families: Treaties and Government, by Harold Johnson

Online Resources

Alberta Archives

Canada Archives: Treaties, Surrenders and Agreements

Government of Canada

Indigenous Encyclopedia, University of Saskatchewan

Manitoba Archives

Office of the Treaty Commissioner (SK based)

Ontario Archives

Saskatchewan Archives

The Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba

The Canadian Encyclopedia: Treaties 1 & 2

Image detail: Screen capture from TREATY ROAD Season 1.